OptoInspect3D Inline - alg3Dlib  3.4.0
Library for measured 3D data processing

Examples for using a KdTree to analyze and process local neighbourhoods.

#include "interface.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "examples.h"
#include "io.h"
int test_KdTree()
size_t i=0,numNN=0,ptsVec=0;
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to a search tree
//Read XYZ-point cloud
const char* fname ="./sample_data/testData.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d* data=0; // data array
ALG3D_Point3d* vNN =0; // array for nearest neighbours
ALG3D_Point3d pt; // input point, which is used for the queries
ALG3D_Point3d nn; // nearest neighbour
const size_t maxPoints = 15; // number of points for k-nearest-neighbour query
//Box half-axes
double vDist[3]={5,3,1};
//test point used for the query
double x=156.47, y=- 14.24, z=-637.97;
pt.vec[0]=x; pt.vec[1]=y; pt.vec[2]=z;
//read XYZ-point data from file
ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &data,&ptsVec);
//create kd-tree
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_createKdTree(data, ptsVec, &tree) )) return 0;
//find nearest neighbour to pt;
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_findNearestNeighbor(tree, pt, 1.0, &nn) )){
printf("nearest neighbor: nothing found in range\n");
printf("nearest neighbor: %lf, %lf %lf\n",nn.vec[0],nn.vec[1],nn.vec[2]);
printf("ALG3D_findNearestNeighbor finished\n");
//find all neighbours within a given radius
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_findNeighbors(tree, pt, 0.25, &vNN, &numNN ) )) return 0;
printf("found %I64d neighbors:\n",numNN);
printf("[%3I64d]: %lf, %lf, %lf\n",i,vNN[i].vec[0],vNN[i].vec[1],vNN[i].vec[2]);
//find all points inside a box around pt
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_freeMemory(vNN) )) return 0;
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_findNeighborsBox(tree, pt, vDist, &vNN, &numNN) )) return 0;
printf("points inside box: %I64d\n",numNN);
//find k-nearest points around pt
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_freeMemory(vNN))) return 0;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_findKNearestNeighbors(tree, pt, maxPoints, &vNN, &numNN))) return 0;
else if (numNN != maxPoints){ //this is only allowed to happen if number of points in the tree is smaller than the number of points requested
printf("warning: number of points returned (%I64d) not equals number of points requested (%I64d)\n", numNN, maxPoints);
return 0;
printf("points found: %I64d/%I64d\n", numNN, maxPoints);
printf("ALG3D_findKNearestNeighbors finished\n");
//clean-up und release memory
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_freeKdTree (tree) )) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_KdTreeWithNormals()
size_t i = 0, numNN = 0, ptsVec = 0;
ALG3D_KDTREE tree = 0; // Handle to a search tree
//Read XYZ-point cloud
const char* fname = "./sample_data/schiller05.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d* data = 0; // data array
ALG3D_Point3d* vNN = 0; // array for nearest neighbours
ALG3D_Point3d pt; // input point, which is used for the queries
ALG3D_Point3d nn; // nearest neighbour
const size_t maxPoints = 15; // number of points for k-nearest-neighbour query
//read XYZ-point data from file
ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &data, &ptsVec);
//create kd-tree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(data, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
ALG3D_Point3d* normals = (ALG3D_Point3d*)malloc(ptsVec * sizeof(ALG3D_Point3d));
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsKNNTreeFast(tree, normals, 15))) return 0;
ALG3D_Point3d sensorPos;
sensorPos.vec[0] = -133;
sensorPos.vec[1] = 0;
sensorPos.vec[2] = 112;
// Align normals
for (i = 0; i < ptsVec; ++i)
ALG3D_Point3d toSensor;
toSensor.vec[0] = sensorPos.vec[0] - data[i].vec[0];
toSensor.vec[1] = sensorPos.vec[1] - data[i].vec[1];
toSensor.vec[2] = sensorPos.vec[2] - data[i].vec[2];
if (ALG3D_dotProduct(&toSensor, &normals[i]) < 0)
normals[i].vec[0] = -normals[i].vec[0];
normals[i].vec[1] = -normals[i].vec[1];
normals[i].vec[2] = -normals[i].vec[2];
//test point used for the query
pt.vec[0] = -24.066111;
pt.vec[1] = 15.172830;
pt.vec[2] = 4.777431;
ALG3D_Point3d ptNormal;
ptNormal.vec[0] = -1;
ptNormal.vec[1] = 0;
ptNormal.vec[2] = 0;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_findNearestNormalCompatibleNeighbor(tree, normals, pt, ptNormal, 10.0, 0.95, &nn))){
printf("nearest neighbor: nothing found in range\n");
printf("nearest compatible neighbor: %lf %lf %lf\n", nn.vec[0], nn.vec[1], nn.vec[2]);
printf("ALG3D_findNearestNormalCompatibleNeighbor finished\n");
//find all neighbours within a given radius
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_findNormalCompatibleNeighbors(tree, normals, pt, ptNormal, 5.0, 0.95, &vNN, &numNN)))
return 0;
printf("found %I64d neighbors:\n", numNN);
for (i = 0; i < numNN; i++){
printf("[%3I64d]: %lf %lf %lf\n", i, vNN[i].vec[0], vNN[i].vec[1], vNN[i].vec[2]);
printf("ALG3D_findNormalCompatibleNeighbors finished\n");
//find k-nearest points around pt
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_freeMemory(vNN))) return 0;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_findKNearestNormalCompatibleNeighbors(tree, normals, pt, ptNormal, maxPoints, 0.95, &vNN, &numNN)))
return 0;
else if (numNN != maxPoints){ //this is only allowed to happen if number of points in the tree is smaller than the number of points requested
printf("warning: number of points returned (%I64d) not equals number of points requested (%I64d)\n", numNN, maxPoints);
return 0;
printf("points found: %I64d/%I64d\n", numNN, maxPoints);
for (i = 0; i < numNN; i++){
printf("[%3I64d]: %lf %lf %lf\n", i, vNN[i].vec[0], vNN[i].vec[1], vNN[i].vec[2]);
printf("ALG3D_findKNearestNormalCompatibleNeighbors finished\n");
//clean-up und release memory
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_freeKdTree(tree))) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_ThinningTree()
size_t i=0,ptsVec=0, count=0;
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to a search tree
//Read XYZ-point cloud
const char* fname ="./sample_data/testData.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *data=0;
ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &data,&ptsVec);
//create kdTree
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_createKdTree(data, ptsVec, &tree) )) return 0;
//compute thinning using a tree (removed points are set to [0,0,0])
//changes to original data which is referenced by the tree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeThinningTree(tree, 1.0))) return 0;
for (i=0; i < ptsVec; ++i){
if (data[i].vec[0] != 0 && data[i].vec[1] != 0 && data[i].vec[2] != 0)
printf("remaining points: %I64d\n",count);
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_freeKdTree(tree) )) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_RegistrationTree()
const char* fnameStat ="./sample_data/surface1.xyz";
const char* fnameDyn ="./sample_data/surface2.xyz";
const char* fnameOut ="./sample_data/icpOut2.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *dataStat=0, *dataDyn=0; // data arrays
size_t ptsStat=0, ptsDyn=0;
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to a search tree
size_t i=0;
double R[9]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},T[3]={0,0,0},S[1]={0};
icpResult res; //result statistics
icpParam prm;
prm.radius = 100; //max. search radius
prm.iterations= 500; //max. number of iterations
prm.tolerance = 0.001; //tolerance
prm.samples = 2000; //number of points used for computing the registration
prm.options = icpStandardDoF; //enable translation and rotation only
//read static point data
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fnameStat,&dataStat,&ptsStat))) return 0;
//read dynamic point data (will be transformed)
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fnameDyn ,&dataDyn ,&ptsDyn))) return 0;
//create kdTree from static data
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(dataStat, ptsStat, &tree) )) return 0;
//compute registration, i.e. transformation matrix
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeRegistrationTree(tree, dataDyn, ptsDyn, prm, &res, R, T, S))) return 0;
//apply transformation
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_transformPoints(dataDyn, ptsDyn, R, T, S))) return 0;
//write transformed data to file
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_writeXYZ(fnameOut,dataDyn,ptsDyn))) return 0;
printf("minDist: %lf, maxDist: %lf, meanDev: %lf, stdDev: %3.10lf, pairs: %I64d, iterations: %I64d\n",
//print out 3x3 rotation matrix
printf("** R **");
//print out 3x1 translation vector
printf("** T **\n");
//print out scale factor
printf("** S **\n");
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_freeKdTree(tree) )) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_RegistrationPlaneTree()
const char* fnameStat ="./sample_data/surface1.xyz";
const char* fnameDyn ="./sample_data/surface2.xyz";
const char* fnameOut ="./sample_data/icpOut2Plane.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *dataStat=0, *dataDyn=0; // data arrays
ALG3D_Point3d *normalsStat=0;
size_t ptsStat=0, ptsDyn=0;
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to a search tree
size_t i=0;
double R[9]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},T[3]={0,0,0},S[1]={0};
icpResult res; //result statistics
icpParam prm;
prm.radius = 100; //max. search radius
prm.iterations= 500; //max. number of iterations
prm.tolerance = 0.001; //tolerance
prm.samples = 2000; //number of points used for computing the registration
prm.options = icpStandardDoF; //enable translation and rotation only
//read static point data
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fnameStat,&dataStat,&ptsStat))) return 0;
//read dynamic point data (will be transformed)
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fnameDyn ,&dataDyn ,&ptsDyn))) return 0;
//create kdTree from static data
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(dataStat, ptsStat, &tree) )) return 0;
normalsStat = (ALG3D_Point3d*)malloc(ptsStat * sizeof(ALG3D_Point3d));
//compute normal vectors using the KdTree
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsKNNTree(tree, normalsStat, 30) )) return 0;
//compute registration, i.e. transformation matrix
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeRegistrationPlaneTree(tree, normalsStat, dataDyn, ptsDyn, prm, &res, R, T, S))) return 0;
//apply transformation
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_transformPoints(dataDyn, ptsDyn, R, T, S))) return 0;
//write transformed data to file
if(!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_writeXYZ(fnameOut,dataDyn,ptsDyn))) return 0;
printf("minDist: %lf, maxDist: %lf, meanDev: %lf, stdDev: %3.10lf, pairs: %I64d, iterations: %I64d\n",
//print out 3x3 rotation matrix
printf("** R **");
//print out 3x1 translation vector
printf("** T **\n");
//print out scale factor
printf("** S **\n");
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_freeKdTree(tree) )) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_SmoothingTree()
size_t i=0,ptsVec=0;
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to search tree
//read XYZ-point data
const char* fname ="./sample_data/testData.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d* data=0,*resdata=0; // data arrays
ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &data,&ptsVec);
//create kdTree
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_createKdTree(data, ptsVec, &tree) )) return 0;
//allocate storage for the resulting, smoothed point data
resdata=(ALG3D_Point3d*) malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(ALG3D_Point3d));
//compute smoothing of point data with given search tree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSmoothingTree(tree, resdata, 1.0, Gaussian))) return 0;
//ALG3D_writeXYZ("smoothed.xyz", resPt,ptsVec);
if(!ALG3D_checkResult( ALG3D_freeKdTree(tree) )) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_RegionGrowTree()
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to search tree
const char* fname = "./sample_data/testData.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
size_t* vRegionIdx = 0; //pointer to array of indices
size_t numIdx = 0; //number of indices in array
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//storage for the region indices (one index indicates the region of one point)
vRegionIdx = (size_t*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(size_t));
//compute regions
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeConnectedRegionsTree(tree, 1.0, vRegionIdx, &numIdx))) return 0;
printf("regions found: %I64d\n", numIdx);
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_DistancesTree()
ALG3D_KDTREE tree = 0; // Handle to search tree
double *distances = 0; // Pointer to result vector
double minValue = 0, maxValue = 0, meanValue = 0;
//read XYZ-point data
const char* fnameRef = "./sample_data/cone.xyz";
const char* fnameTest = "./sample_data/cone_rot.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d* refData = 0, *testData = 0; // data arrays
size_t i = 0, ptsRef = 0, ptsTest = 0; // sizes of data arrays
ALG3D_readXYZ(fnameRef, &refData, &ptsRef);
ALG3D_readXYZ(fnameTest, &testData, &ptsTest);
//create kdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(refData, ptsRef, &tree))) return 0;
//allocate storage for the resulting distance values
distances = (double*)malloc(ptsTest*sizeof(double));
for (i = 0; i < ptsTest; ++i){
distances[i] = -1;
//compute distances with given search tree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeDistances2Pointcloud(tree, testData, ptsTest, 0, distances))){
return 0;
meanValue = minValue = maxValue = distances[0];
for (i = 1; i < ptsTest; ++i){
const double d = distances[i];
if (d < minValue)minValue = d;
else if (d>maxValue)maxValue = d;
meanValue += d;
meanValue /= ptsTest;
printf("[distances]: min: %lf, max: %lf, mean: %lf\n", minValue, maxValue, meanValue);
//free allocated memory
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_freeKdTree(tree))) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_SurfaceNormalsTree()
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to search tree
const char* fname = "./sample_data/cylinder.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
ALG3D_Point3d *normals = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points/vectors
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//storage for the point-wise normal vectors
normals = (ALG3D_Point3d*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(ALG3D_Point3d));
//a)compute normals using K-Nearest-Neighbours
const size_t K = 25;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsKNNTree(tree, normals, K))) return 0;
//b)compute normals using radial neighborhood
const double radius = 1.0;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsTree(tree, normals, radius))) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_SurfaceNormalsTreeFast()
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to search tree
const char* fname = "./sample_data/cylinder.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
ALG3D_Point3d *normals = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points/vectors
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//storage for the point-wise normal vectors
normals = (ALG3D_Point3d*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(ALG3D_Point3d));
//a)compute normals using K-Nearest-Neighbours
const size_t K = 25;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsKNNTreeFast(tree, normals, K))) return 0;
//b)compute normals using radial neighborhood
const double radius = 1.0;
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsTreeFast(tree, normals, radius))) return 0;
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_SurfaceFeaturesTree()
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to search tree
const char* fname = "./sample_data/surface1.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
double *intrinsic_curvatures = 0; //pointer to array of values
double *extrinsic_curvatures = 0; //pointer to array of values
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//storage for the point-wise curvatures
intrinsic_curvatures = (double*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(double));
extrinsic_curvatures = (double*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(double));
// a) K-Nearest-Neighbours
//compute intrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesKNNTree(tree, intrinsic_curvatures, 15, IntrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
//compute extrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesKNNTree(tree, extrinsic_curvatures, 15, ExtrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
// b) Radius neighbours
//compute intrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesTree(tree, intrinsic_curvatures, 1.5, IntrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
//compute extrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesTree(tree, extrinsic_curvatures, 1.5, ExtrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
//Compute minimum and maximum curvature values
double mnIn, mxIn, mnEx, mxEx; //min/max curvature values
mnIn = mxIn = intrinsic_curvatures[0];
mnEx = mxEx = extrinsic_curvatures[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < ptsVec; ++i)
if (intrinsic_curvatures[i] < mnIn) mnIn = intrinsic_curvatures[i];
else if (intrinsic_curvatures[i] > mxIn) mxIn = intrinsic_curvatures[i];
if (extrinsic_curvatures[i] < mnEx) mnEx = extrinsic_curvatures[i];
else if (extrinsic_curvatures[i] > mxEx) mxEx = extrinsic_curvatures[i];
printf("intrinsic curvature: min: %lf, max: %lf\n", mnIn, mxIn);
printf("extrinsic curvature: min: %lf, max: %lf\n", mnEx, mxEx);
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_SurfaceFeaturesTreeFast()
ALG3D_KDTREE tree=0; // Handle to search tree
const char* fname = "./sample_data/surface1.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
double *intrinsic_curvatures = 0; //pointer to array of values
double *extrinsic_curvatures = 0; //pointer to array of values
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//storage for the point-wise curvatures
intrinsic_curvatures = (double*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(double));
extrinsic_curvatures = (double*)malloc(ptsVec*sizeof(double));
// a) K-Nearest-Neighbours
//compute intrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesKNNTreeFast(tree, intrinsic_curvatures, 15, IntrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
//compute extrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesKNNTreeFast(tree, extrinsic_curvatures, 15, ExtrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
// b) Radius neighbours
//compute intrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesTreeFast(tree, intrinsic_curvatures, 1.5, IntrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
//compute extrinsic curvatures
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesTreeFast(tree, extrinsic_curvatures, 1.5, ExtrinsicCurvature))) return 0;
//Compute minimum and maximum curvature values
double mnIn, mxIn, mnEx, mxEx; //min/max curvature values
mnIn = mxIn = intrinsic_curvatures[0];
mnEx = mxEx = extrinsic_curvatures[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < ptsVec; ++i)
if (intrinsic_curvatures[i] < mnIn) mnIn = intrinsic_curvatures[i];
else if (intrinsic_curvatures[i] > mxIn) mxIn = intrinsic_curvatures[i];
if (extrinsic_curvatures[i] < mnEx) mnEx = extrinsic_curvatures[i];
else if (extrinsic_curvatures[i] > mxEx) mxEx = extrinsic_curvatures[i];
printf("intrinsic curvature: min: %lf, max: %lf\n", mnIn, mxIn);
printf("extrinsic curvature: min: %lf, max: %lf\n", mnEx, mxEx);
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_LocalOutlierFactorTree()
const char* fname = "./sample_data/testData.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
double *lof_values = 0; //pointer to array of values
ALG3D_KDTREE tree = 0; // Handle to search tree
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//storage for the outlier factors
lof_values = (double*)malloc(ptsVec * sizeof(double));
//compute local outlier factors
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_computeOutlierFactorTree(tree, lof_values, 30))) return 0;
//Compute minimum and maximum curvature values
double mn, mx; //min/max values
mn = mx = lof_values[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < ptsVec; ++i)
if (lof_values[i] < mn) mn = lof_values[i];
else if (lof_values[i] > mx) mx = lof_values[i];
printf("local outlier factors: min: %lf, max: %lf\n", mn, mx);
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int test_RemoveOutliersTree()
const char* fname = "./sample_data/testData.xyz";
ALG3D_Point3d *vec = 0; //pointer to array of 3d points
size_t ptsVec = 0; //number of 3d points in array
ALG3D_KDTREE tree = 0; // Handle to search tree
//read point data from file
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_readXYZ(fname, &vec, &ptsVec))) return 0;
//create the KdTree
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_createKdTree(vec, ptsVec, &tree))) return 0;
//remove outliers
if (!ALG3D_checkResult(ALG3D_removeOutliersTree(tree, 30, 1.15))) return 0;
size_t count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ptsVec; ++i){
if (vec[i].vec[0] != 0 && vec[i].vec[1] != 0 && vec[i].vec[2] != 0)
printf("remaining points: %I64d\n", ptsVec - count);
printf("--> passed successfully\n");
return 1;
int __cdecl ALG3D_findNearestNeighbor(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d pt, double radius, ALG3D_Point3d *nn)
Finds the nearest neighbour within a query radius to a given point and uses a given KD-Tree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1540
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsKNNTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d *normals, size_t maxPoints)
Computes surface normals vector for the given pointcloud (represented by its KdTree) from K-Nearest-N...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:701
int __cdecl ALG3D_freeMemory(void *data)
Releases the memory of an array that was allocated internally. It is up to the application to assure ...
Definition: interface.cpp:127
double meanDev
mean distance between the data sets
Definition: algorithm.h:141
size_t samples
number of sample points that should be used for the alignment (0=all)
Definition: algorithm.h:121
int __cdecl ALG3D_createKdTree(const ALG3D_Point3d *data, size_t numPts, ALG3D_KDTREE *tree)
Builds a kdTree from given 3D data.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1475
int __cdecl ALG3D_findKNearestNeighbors(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d pt, size_t maxPoints, ALG3D_Point3d **vNN, size_t *numNN)
Finds the k-nearest neighboring points to a given point.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1643
double __cdecl ALG3D_dotProduct(const ALG3D_Point3d *vector1, const ALG3D_Point3d *vector2)
Returns the scalar/dot product of two vectors.
Definition: geometry.cpp:69
double vec[3]
point data, e.g. 0=x,1=y,2=z
Definition: interface.h:41
int __cdecl ALG3D_checkResult(int code)
Function that checks for error codes and prints out the result. To activate console print out use ALG...
Definition: interface.cpp:38
int __cdecl ALG3D_findNeighborsBox(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d pt, double vDist[3], ALG3D_Point3d **vNN, size_t *numNN)
Finds all neighbouring points within a box around a given point and uses a given KD-Tree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1856
size_t pairs
number of correlating data pairs
Definition: algorithm.h:143
Data type for 3d points/vectors with a user-defined pointer.
Definition: interface.h:32
int __cdecl ALG3D_removeOutliersTree(ALG3D_KDTREE tree, size_t maxPoints, double thresh)
Remove outliers from the point cloud.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:961
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsKNNTreeFast(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d *normals, size_t maxPoints)
Computes surface normals vector for the given pointcloud (represented by its KdTree) from K-Nearest-N...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:756
double stdDev
standard deviation of the point distances
Definition: algorithm.h:142
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesTreeFast(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double *values, double radius, SurfaceFeatureType type)
Computes surface features for each point of a given point set (represented by its KdTree) within a ne...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1194
@ icpStandardDoF
Enables all rotation and translation degrees of freedom (without scaling)
Definition: algorithm.h:106
ICP input parameters.
Definition: algorithm.h:116
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeRegistrationPlaneTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, const ALG3D_Point3d *normalsStat, const ALG3D_Point3d *ptsDyn, size_t nDyn, icpParam prm, icpResult *res, double R[9], double T[3], double S[1])
Computes the registration/alignment of two 3d point clouds.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:2491
ICP result parameters.
Definition: algorithm.h:137
int __cdecl ALG3D_transformPoints(ALG3D_Point3d *pts, size_t numPts, const double R[9], const double T[3], const double S[1])
Transforms points by the given tranformation.
Definition: geometry.cpp:102
int __cdecl ALG3D_readXYZ(const char *fname, ALG3D_Point3d **data, size_t *numPts)
Reads XYZ-data from a file.
Definition: io.cpp:67
int __cdecl ALG3D_findNeighbors(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d pt, double radius, ALG3D_Point3d **vNN, size_t *numNN)
Finds all neighboring points within a query radius to a given point using a given KD-Tree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1742
double radius
maximum search radius (0=auto)
Definition: algorithm.h:118
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double *values, double radius, SurfaceFeatureType type)
Computes surface features for each point of a given point set (represented by its KdTree) within a ne...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1134
double minDist
minimal point distance
Definition: algorithm.h:139
size_t iterations
maximum number of iterations
Definition: algorithm.h:119
int __cdecl ALG3D_findNearestNormalCompatibleNeighbor(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, const ALG3D_Point3d *treeNormals, ALG3D_Point3d pt, ALG3D_Point3d ptNormal, double radius, double minimumDotProduct, ALG3D_Point3d *nn)
Finds the nearest neighbour within a query radius to a given point with a compatible normal and uses ...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1588
int __cdecl ALG3D_writeXYZ(const char *fname, const ALG3D_Point3d *data, size_t numPts)
Writes 3D point data to a XYZ-ASCII-file.
Definition: io.cpp:123
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d *normals, double radius)
Computes surface normals for the given pointcloud (represented by its KdTree) within a neighborhood d...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:448
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeSmoothingTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d *ptsOut, double radius, SmoothingMethod method)
Computes the smoothing of point cloud given by a KD-Tree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:2239
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeDistances2Pointcloud(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, const ALG3D_Point3d *pts, size_t numPts, double maxDistance, double *distances)
Computes all distance of a point set to another point set given as a kd-tree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1905
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesKNNTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double *values, size_t maxPoints, SurfaceFeatureType type)
Computes surface features for each point of a given point set (represented by its KdTree) from K-Near...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1362
double maxDist
maximal point distance
Definition: algorithm.h:140
@ IntrinsicCurvature
Curvature value that is derived from the directions and the magnitudes of variance of the local neigh...
Definition: algorithm.h:184
int __cdecl ALG3D_findKNearestNormalCompatibleNeighbors(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, const ALG3D_Point3d *treeNormals, ALG3D_Point3d pt, ALG3D_Point3d ptNormal, size_t maxPoints, double minimumDotProduct, ALG3D_Point3d **vNN, size_t *numNN)
Finds the k-nearest neighboring points with compatible normal vectors to a given point.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1691
double tolerance
required minimum distance (iterations stop when this value has been reached)
Definition: algorithm.h:120
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeNormalVectorsTreeFast(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, ALG3D_Point3d *normals, double radius)
Computes surface normals vector for the given pointcloud (represented by its KdTree) within a neighbo...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:553
@ Gaussian
Gaussian weighted mean (fast, but does not preserve shape or features)
Definition: algorithm.h:37
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeThinningTree(ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double radius)
Computes the homogeneous thinning of a point cloud given by a KdTree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1956
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeSurfaceFeaturesKNNTreeFast(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double *values, size_t maxPoints, SurfaceFeatureType type)
Computes surface features for each point of a given point set (represented by its KdTree) from K-Near...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1422
int __cdecl ALG3D_freeKdTree(ALG3D_KDTREE tree)
Releases memory of a given kdTree object. It's up to the application to ensure that the pointer is va...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1508
int __cdecl ALG3D_findNormalCompatibleNeighbors(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, const ALG3D_Point3d *treeNormals, ALG3D_Point3d pt, ALG3D_Point3d ptNormal, double radius, double minimumDotProduct, ALG3D_Point3d **vNN, size_t *numNN)
Finds all neighboring points within a query radius with compatible normal vectors to a given point us...
Definition: algorithm.cpp:1795
@ ExtrinsicCurvature
Curvature value that is derived from the inverse radius of the sphere which is representing/touching ...
Definition: algorithm.h:185
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeConnectedRegionsTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double radius, size_t *regionIdx, size_t *numIdx)
Computes spatially connected points and isolated regions using a precomputed KdTree.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:193
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeOutlierFactorTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, double *values, size_t maxPoints)
Computes the local outlier factor of the points from a point cloud (represented by its KdTree).
Definition: algorithm.cpp:846
int __cdecl ALG3D_computeRegistrationTree(const ALG3D_KDTREE tree, const ALG3D_Point3d *ptsDyn, size_t nDyn, icpParam prm, icpResult *res, double R[9], double T[3], double S[1])
Computes the registration/alignment of two 3d point clouds.
Definition: algorithm.cpp:2130
int options
sets options (see icpOptions). If set to 0 icpStandardDoF is used.
Definition: algorithm.h:122