New in version 3.3.1 (May 2023)
Fixed a bug in ALG3D_removeOutliers (wrong points were removed)
Fixed a bug causing the DLL to crash if multiple instances were running
New in version 3.3.0 (February 2023)
Added a function to locate the nearest neighbor and the corresponding triangle on a mesh (ALG3D_findNearestPointAndTriangle2Mesh)
New in version 3.2.3 (February 2023)
Fixed a bug in ALG3D_computeRegistration/ALG3D_computeRegistrationTree when only one rotation axis is activated
New in version 3.2.2 (January 2023)
Fixed a bug in ALG3D_computeRegistrationCorrespondences when only one rotation axis is activated and extended documentation on possible edge cases
Numerous internal bug fixes
New in version 3.2.1 (October 2022)
Added function to get triangle points from triangle index (required for the result intersection functions which return the index of the intersected triangle; the ALG3D_createMesh function removes invalid triangles, so the index does not correspond to the original triangles passed to ALG3D_createMesh)
The DLL now loads without a dongle, but the functions are locked
ALG3D_dongleConnected only returns 1 if a version 3 dongle is connected
Numerous internal bug fixes
New in version 3.2 (August 2021)
Added function to subdivide long edges in a triangle mesh, which can result in improved performance for registration and distance computations (see ALG3D_subdivideLongEdges)
Added function to registrate multiple datasets simultaneously(see ALG3D_computeMultiViewRegistration)
Numerous internal bug fixes
New in version 3.1.1 (May 2021)
Bugfix in minimum enclosing and minimum zone approximation functions for certain numerical edge cases
New in version 3.1 (Mar 2021)
The library is now splitted into 3 modules (best-fit, registration, filtering) that must be purchased individually
Added functions to sample points on a triangle mesh (see ALG3D_sampleMesh)
Added functions to perform raytracing on a triangle mesh (see ALG3D_raytracing_allIntersections)
Numerous internal bug fixes
New in version 3.0 (Dec 2020)
New major version with API changes (see API-Changes in version 3 for more information)
Significant speed improvements of allmost all Preprocessing and filtering (reduction in runtime over all algorithms up to -30%)
Major rework of the internal handling of triangle meshes (reduction in runtime up to -80%)
Drastically reduced memory consumption of the KdTree through new internal design (reduction down to 30% of previous version)
Improved parallelization of numerous algorithms and internal data structures, which leads to better performance on modern multicore systems
New in version 2.7 (Apr 2020)
Improved overall performance through better utilization of multiple cores
Added faster versions of already existing functions that work with precomputed values
Added functions to compute approximated normal vectors, which a are little less precise but much faster to compute
Added function that adapts the thinning of a point cloud based on the local surface curvatures
Added function to compute the optimal transformation between two point clouds if correspondences are given
Added new version of the ICP algorithm that integrates surface normals into the registration process
Added function to detect and remove outliers from the point cloud
New in version 2.6 (Dec 2018)
Improved performance for best-fit and registration algorithms
Maximum inscribed cylinder (Pferch cylinder) added
Maximum inscribed sphere (Pferch sphere) added
New point cloud thinning function (ALG3D_computeThinningToPointNumber) for homogeneous thinning to a given number of points
Replaced ALG3D_computeThinning interface with ALG3D_computeThinningToNeighborhood for homogeneous thinning to a given neighborhood radius
Fixed Visual Studio 2017 compiler warnings in example code
Functions added to get library and algorithms version
Function added that returns the dongle's license information
Removed instable ALG3D_getLibraryInfo function
New in version 2.5 (Nov 2018)
Improved speed for distances and registration of points to mesh
Chebyshev(Minimum-Zone)-best fit torus added
convenience function for distance computations to point clouds added
convenience function for distance computations to meshes added
Overall performance optimization and minor fixes in the underlying library
New in version 2.4 (Jul 2018)
Chebyshev(Minimum-Zone)-best fit 3D line added
Minimum Enclosing Cylinder (MC) added
Minimum Enclosing Planes (MC) added
Algorithm for 3D convex hull added
Improved speed of Least-squares approximation methods
Improved numerical stability and precision for Chebyshev approximation methods
Overall performance optimization and minor fixes
ICP: improved performance and stability for meshes (Least-Squares and Chebyshev)
ICP: rotation center can optionally be fixed at the origin
New in version 2.3 (Feb 2018)
ICP: Revised implementation for meshes and point clouds with improved numerical stability and faster convergence
ICP: Resulting transformation is no longer automatically applied to the point set
ICP: Unified definition of degrees-of-freedom constraints for meshes and point clouds
Minimum Enclosing Sphere (MC) added
Chebyshev(Minimum-Zone)-best fit cone added
Improved speed and numerical stability for Chebyshev approximation methods
New in version 2.2 (Jul 2017)
Performance improvements for nearest-neighbour-queries between two point clouds
Minor improvements for some degenerate cases in best-fit cylinders and cones
New in version 2.1 (Apr 2017)
New algorithms and interfaces for smoothing: Gaussian, shape preserving, feature preserving
Chebyshev(Minimum-Zone)-best fit for plane, sphere, cylinder added
Algorithms for computing surface feature (curvatures, edges, density) added
ICP-registration: new options to control degrees of freedoms
ICP-registration: Minimax(Chebyshev)-minimization for alignment to triangle meshes added
Least-squares fit for torus added
Distances of points to torus added
Projections of points to sphere, cylinder, cone and torus added
findKNearestNeighbors function now accepts a starting value
New in version 2.0 (Oct 2016)
All deprecated functions have been removed
Support for Windows XP and 32-Bit applications discontinued
New license model independend from single functions
Number of usable cores/threads now unlimited
Functions have been grouped into modules with new header files
Improved stability and performance for Pointcloud-to-Pointcloud registration
New algorithm for fast Pointcloud-To-Mesh registration added
Algorithm to compute surface normals added
K-nearest neighbour query for KdTree added
Fast algorithm for combined smoothing and thinning added
Improved performance for best-fit cylinder
Gaussian point cloud smoothing added
Function for clostest-point-to-triangle added
Function for minimum bounding circle for triangles added
Function to manually check if a valid dongle is connected added
Function to manually set the maximum number of threads used internally added